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제목 키워드 스피킹 종복논란
작성자 영어가좋아 작성일 2021-03-09 조회 288
안녕하세요, 키워스피킹 2011년1.6자 마지막 줄에 있는 문장이 이해가 안가서요..

does a nation under constant threat of
attack make it unable to take any chances with its national security?
이걸 어떻게 해성하면 좋을까요?

이건 전체문장 입니다
The important question to ask now is
whether sympathizing with North Korea automatically brand you a traitor, or does a nation under constant threat of
attack make it unable to take any chances with its national security?

늘 감사드립니다


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