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작성자 프랙티쿠스 작성일 2018-06-03 조회 286

결론부터 말씀드리면 저희 역량을 넘어 서는 질문을 주셨습니다.

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reply  원본글

2018.06.02. 07:35 | 조회 0
Mrs. Caroline:The Ideal Man! Oh, the Ideal Man should talk to us as if we were goddesses, and treat us as if we were children. He should refuse all our serious requests, and gratify every one of our whims. He should encourage us to have caprices, and forbid us to have missions. He should always say much more than he means, and always mean much more than he says.

Lady Hunstanton: But how could he do both, dear?

Mrs. Allonby. He should never run down other pretty women. That would show he had no taste, or make one suspect that he had too much. No; he should be nice about them all, but say that somehow they don’t attract him.

Lady Stutfield. Yes, that is always very, very pleasant to hear about other women.

Mrs. Allonby. If we ask him a question about anything, he should give us an answer all about ourselves. He should invariably praise us for whatever qualities he knows we haven’t got. But he should be pitiless, quite pitiless, in reproaching us for the virtues that we have never dreamed of possessing. He should never believe that we know the use of useful things. That would be unforgiveable. But he should shower on us everything we don’t want.

Lady Caroline. As far as I can see, he is to do nothing but pay bills and compliments.

Mrs. Allonby. He should persistently compromise us in public, and treat us with absolute respect when we are alone. And yet he should be always ready to have a perfectly terrible scene, whenever we want one, and to become miserable, absolutely miserable, at a moment’s notice, and to overwhelm us with just reproaches in less than twenty minutes, and to be positively violent at the end of half an hour, and to leave us for ever at a quarter to eight, when we have to go and dress for dinner. And when, after that, one has seen him for really the last time, and he has refused to take back the little things he has given one, and promised never to communicate with one again, or to write one any foolish letters, he should be perfectly broken-hearted, and telegraph to one all day long, and send one little notes every half-hour by a private hansom, and dine quite alone at the club, so that every one should know how unhappy he was. And after a whole dreadful week, during which one has gone about everywhere with one’s husband, just to show how absolutely lonely one was, he may be given a third last parting, in the evening, and then, if his conduct has been quite irreproachable, and one has behaved really badly to him, he should be allowed to admit that he has been entirely in the wrong, and when he has admitted that, it becomes a woman’s duty to forgive, and one can do it all over again from the beginning, with variations.

1. if his conduct has been quite irreproachable, and one has behaved really badly to him, he should be allowed to admit that he has been entirely in the wrong,

이 부분의 해석 및 문법관련해서 질문 드립니다.

스터디중 해석이 2가지가 나옵니다. 1.his conduct이라는 부분이 여자가 변덕을 부리고 난 후부터 이 문장전까지(남자는 쭈욱 irreproachable하다는 전제)
2. 싸운 후 여자는 다른여자의 남편과 돌아다니지만 남자는
여자에게만 계속 구애(남자는 여자가 변덕부릴때 violent라고 reproach할땐 irreproachable하진 않지만 여자가 다른여자의 남편을 만나고 있을때 남자가 계속 구애하면서 irreproachable하다고 전제)

-문법적인 측면 여기서 if를 1. even if로 해석된다고 생각함(1번 해석). 2. 가정법으로 해석(2번해석)ㅜ
2018-06-02 영어사랑

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