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제목 잘 모르겠습니다
작성자 프랙티쿠스 작성일 2017-11-08 조회 267

결론부터 말씀드리면 잘 모르겠습니다.

다만 한가지 추정을 해 본다면

provision to that same consumer of an investment service in relation to mortgage bonds specifically issued to secure the financing “of” and “having” identical terms as the credit agreement relating to residential immovable property 이 부분에서

provision 다음의 to that same consumer of an investment service in relation to mortgage bonds specifically issued to secure the financing를 한 덩어리로 보고 of and having이 앞의 provision에 걸리는 구조가 가능해 보입니다.

즉, provision of the credit agreement relating to residential immovable property 와 provision having identical terms as the credit agreement relating to residential immovable property를 하나로 묶어

provision of and having identical terms as the credit agreement relating to residential immovable property로 표현했다고 생각하는 거죠.

그런데 이렇게 분석하더라도 전체적인 내용은 잘 이해가 가지 않네요.

충분한 답변을 드리지 못해 죄송합니다.


reply  원본글

Official Journal of the European Union이라는 책자의
MiFID 관련 계약서입니다 ㅜㅜ

소제목은 Provisions to ensure investor protection이고

이 항이 속한 Article 제목은 Assessment of suitability and appropriateness and reporting to clients입니다

If a credit agreement relating to residential immovable property, which is subject to the provisions concerning creditworthiness assessment of consumers laid down in Directive 2014/17/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, has as a prerequisite the provision to that same consumer of an investment service in relation to mortgage bonds specifically issued to secure the financing “of” and “having” identical terms as the credit agreement relating to residential immovable property, in order for the loan to by payable, refinanced or redeemed, that service shall not be subject to the obligations set out in this Article.

라는 정말 안 끝나는 문장에서... "financing of"의 "of"이 무엇의 of인지, 왜 저기서 "having"이라는 형식이 나오는지, 얘는 또 어디에 걸리는지 답이 안 나옵니다 ㅠㅠ

혹시 쟤네는 무얼 뜻하는 걸까요....
2017-11-08 질문드려용

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